Seattle Caddie Academy participants

The WGA Caddie Academy features a structured program centered on four major components – caddying, academic development, community involvement and personal growth.

While participants learn a lot on the golf course, we develop leaders by providing experiences that go well beyond classroom learning. Caddie Academy participants have access to golf lessons, a leadership speaker series, seminars on subjects like financial literacy and media, health and wellness demonstrations and special field trips.

A typical day

6 a.m.

Participants wake up at 6 a.m. (or another time if their club has a tournament or event that requires a specific arrival time). Participants dress in their caddie uniforms and eat a continental breakfast of fruit, cereal, juice and breakfast bars.

A typical day image
6:45 a.m.

Interns drive participants to their respective clubs in the WGA vans and drop them off at the assigned caddie area.

A typical day image
Morning / Afternoon

Participants caddie at their clubs. When all participants at the club are finished caddying, they call or text the intern, who drives a van to pick them up. If they did not eat lunch during the round or did not get a loop, they eat lunch at the halfway house while waiting for the counselor to arrive.

A typical day image
4 p.m.

Everyone returns to campus for free time. If participants choose to leave campus, they are required to receive permission from an intern and sign out. Participants cannot leave alone and should always travel in groups or with an intern.

A typical day image
5:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Participants and counselors eat dinner together in the dining hall. Dinner is cafeteria-style, with a wide range of food options. Information on which foods are vegetarian, gluten-free or contain common food allergens is provided. After dinner, everyone completes their daily chores and is welcome to participate in group or individual activities.

A typical day image
10 p.m.

Participants are in their rooms with lights out. Interns do a security check to make sure all doors and windows are closed and locked.

A typical day image
CTA image

Interested in the WGA Caddie Academy?